Belay’s Theme for 2025 is grounded in Isaiah 54:2: “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”
This call to EXPAND challenges us to examine areas of life where God is calling us to grow—in faith, responsibility, and reliance on Him. This expansion isn’t about physical growth but heart and perspective shifts.
If you didn’t get a change to hear it yet, I’d love for you to listen to the message where I highlighted five specific actions inspired by this verse: Take New Ground, Allow Yourself to Be Stretched, Don’t Be Afraid, Explore Untapped Resources, and Strengthen Your Faith.
These actions align with God’s plan to transform us and equip us for greater kingdom impact in the year ahead.
Belay on!
Paul Durbin, Pastor
Patty continues to organize monthly prayer walks and the monthly First Friday Feast, among other gatherings. See below for details on upcoming events and be sure to keep an eye on the calendar or Circle for future updates!
Upcoming Wednesday Prayer Walks:
The Next First Friday Feasts
Other Events
We are always welcoming new volunteers for our nursery. If you are interested in helping out, talk to Patty.
Our desire is for Belay to be God’s hands and feet in the Boulder community. Here are a couple of ongoing opportunities this semester.
Diaper Drive
Sarah Gowens is organizing diaper drive for those in need. On a TBD date in February or March, all diapers will be given to parents at a low income housing community center. Our goal is to connect with these mothers and fathers by demonstrating the love of Christ.
We need your help to collect as many diapers as we can over the next month. To participate, bring diapers to church on Sundays and find Sarah or Tian Woodard, who can direct you where to p
To know what sizes are still needed, please refer to the Circle post for an updated inventory.
Slope Service
Serve on the slopes of Eldora Mountain Resort, wax your skis/board and learn about Jesus with fellow winter sports enthusiasts! Here’s what Slope Service does on a regular basis (find more details by clicking the button below):
*If you have an idea for an additional outreach that you’d be passionate about leading, please contact Sarah, Outreach Coordinator.
If you are a woman who wants to learn more about God and the Bible with the support of other Belay women, this Bible study group is for you! The Women’s Bible Study meets every other Friday afternoon and is currently studying the book Prodigal God by Tim Keller. Find more details below:
Childcare is not provided but could be in the future if there is interest/need. There will be no study on February, 14 (Valentine’s Day).
Chi Alpha, the college ministry that Belay partners with, is back for the spring semester. This means we have resumed our Tuesday evening gatherings. Join us at the Bella House at 7pm!
Did you know there are study guides to go along with every message taught at Belay? Just click view media on any recent teaching, and then click study guide.
Try it out with Episode 095 | How can we stop being afraid? by clicking the button below, then look for the study guide button.
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