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From this Playlist: What Do We Value?
050 | What do we mean by Effective Structures?
Paul Durbin • 2/18/2024
048 | What is empowered leadership?
Paul Durbin • 2/4/2024
040 | How can we contribute more than we consume?
Paul Durbin • 12/10/2023
047 | How do we walk in freedom?
Tian Woodard • 1/28/2024
043 | What does it mean to put God first?
Paul Durbin • 12/31/2023
041 | How do I develop eager teachability?
Kevan Ho • 12/17/2023
044 | What is compassionate evangelism?
Christian Braly • 1/7/2024
045 | What does Holy Spirit Dependance look like?
Patty Durbin • 1/14/2024
042 | What does it mean to have childlike faith?
Paul Durbin • 12/24/2023
Currently Playing
051 | What size church is the best?
Paul Durbin • 2/25/2024
049 | How do you define love?
Twyla Kuntz • 2/11/2024
039 | How can we experience grace and truth?
Christian Braly • 12/3/2023